"All things design and decor, pretty and priceless. And then there's the food. Ohhhh, the foood!"

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Blown away by BREAKFAST

I'm a great believer in breakfasts. Good breakfasts with a view. Not the kind of breakfasts you find half way into your morning, crawling about the canteen at work. Not the ones that come in 125ml tubs or wrapped up in silver foil, waiting to take a breath of air.  Nope, that breakfast is not found here.

Judge me if you will, but I'm a big breakfast girl. A breakfast of real food. Of butter. And salt.  Nuts. Fruits. Of glorious bacon that sizzles in the copper pan. My breakfasts are made with thought and attention, and delicious freshness straight from the earth. (Sounds all ah-may-zing and romantic, but 9 times out of 10 it's freshness from my fridge...but real goodness none the less!). In fact, I will get up early, even on a Sunday to truly prepare a breakfast of champions...even if just for myself. It's a ritual in many ways, and the mystery and delight that I get from it is like a form of yoga - of meditation- that gets me geared up for the day.

So here are some great breakfasts that make me roll out of bed a fair bit earlier than is conceivable to most. I guess it's because I'm a morning person - or maybe it's the other way round!..maybe breakfast has made me a morning person :)

I love ingredient photography like this. It makes me feel a lot more connected to my meal when I can see what has gone into it...Simple and gorgeous styling and photography.

I love eggs. They're an amazzzzzingly nutritious whole food that are a staple on my breakfast plate. Forget about all that cholesterol propaganda - it's nonsense anyway! Try this lovely breakfast cup recipe that is gorgeous to look at and soooo lip-smackingly divine to start your day with! (and if you make a dozen at a time, there's really no stopping you from having them throughout the day! Yum!) If you're wheat sensitive or intolerant like me, make sure you substitute the bread or pastry with something that works for you. I find using a combination of almond meal and coconut flour gives me the right consistency when making a pastry in this form.

Watch this fantastic video that shows you how to make bacon wrapped eggs (without the toast in this case):

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