"All things design and decor, pretty and priceless. And then there's the food. Ohhhh, the foood!"

Thursday, 5 July 2012

The Joy of Ingredients

There's something that is so simple and beautiful about thoughtfully styled ingredient photography. And it's not often that we see these great pics. Normally, we're just feasting on the final product without really taking into consideration the individual elements, which in many ways, are just down-right splendid in their own simplicity!

For someone who loves to cook off the cuff ( and most of the time just scratching around the pantry or garden to see what I can use), and who loves to add my own against-the-rulebook ingredients to a recipe,  ingredient photographs really make so much sense to me! I love how they break down often complex dishes into its tiny little elements, reminding us that most of the time, cooking is actually suuuuper easy!  

Here are some of my favourite ingredient phtographs. And again, it's all in the styling! I can spend hours wailing away my time by guessing how many combinations of dishes I can make with each set of ingredients! Day dreamin' i tell you...

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