"All things design and decor, pretty and priceless. And then there's the food. Ohhhh, the foood!"

Monday, 11 June 2012

A List to rival all Lists

I have two weeks of leave. TWO {entire} weeks {to myself}. Oh the excitement is welling up in me like a Zuma's 5th bride on her wedding day.  Oh doI have things planned. Big things. Housey things. Things that will eat ferociously into my bank balance until it's dry and empty. But it will be rewarding...(in a way that only housey, homey people will understand.)

So what am I planning to do?
Well, my excitement has got the better of me, so here's my To-Do list.

a) I'm planning to go here, to the Milnerton market, with my friend Donne, to rumble through some people's unwanted clutter. Because one man's trash is another man's treasure...and I'm a big believer in finding cool stuff underneath a heap of not-so-cool stuff. Because it's  fun. And dusty. And mostly very cheap.

What am I looking for? oh, I don't know...mostly some old books :


or old plates:


or an old ladder...
Oh,. look it seems I'm in the market for anything old.

b) I'm going to make some frames. From scratch. In my dad's wood-working-workshop.
c) I'm going to buy some glorious, beautiful wallpaper, and get all sticky and messy when I put it up to make a feature wall in my lounge. It will be all gunge and glue, but it will be awesome. There's a lot of merit in having beautiful wallpaper.


d) I'm going to stalk down some instagrams, some nice old images from my hard drive and put them up. (In the frames that I've made from scratch in ,my dad's wood-working-workshop.) And then I'm going to put them up on the floating shelves that I plan to also install.


e) I'm going to cook, and write. The two other things in my life that make getting up worthwhile and keep me awake at night.

f) I'm going to be visiting some foodie spots like this one in Newlands... Josephine's Cookhouse...I am so excited for that! The Southern Suburbs, bless her, needs more of these little gems.

g) I'm going to grow some more veggies...to make my 'eating whole foods' journey that much more palpable..what can I say - I want to live off the land!!

Kapow.  I love lists. I'm a list-er. Somehow, they make me happy.
But not as happy as this small fact:
My last  day at the House of Quiet Disillusionment - T minus 5.


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