"All things design and decor, pretty and priceless. And then there's the food. Ohhhh, the foood!"

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

So, today Cape Town has it's first umbrella day. Bleh. But i guess there are the small advantages to having a day when the skies open up, and do nothing but rain...

* snuggle up in bed with a good book or mag and listen to the patter of rain on your roof
* make a yummy warm meal and watch some series
* don't feel bad for not going for a run - instead slouch on the couch
* dig up your winter clothes, put on some socks and get ready to layer up
* stay warm by having a delicious bath 

(which takes me onto my post for today - warm yummy baths and bathrooms on your umbrella day)

{all Via Housetohome}


ENJOY your umbrella day!


  1. Love this post!! It's exactly what I feel like doing on these wintry days!

  2. Love bathroom 2 on the list!
